Trading Strategies with Gap Stock Alerts:
Gap-ups and Gap-Downs are high probability trades if identified in real-time when the gap closure gets started.
We provide Real-time alerts when the stock price is near the GAP, when the stock price has started filling and when the stock price has completed the GAP filling.
Gap trading is a high probability trade if timed correctly.
We provide signals for Historical and Intraday Gaps.
Usually, the trend reverses after the Gap gets filled for both historical or intraday gaps. If the Intraday Gap does not get filled till the first 2 Hours in the trading day, there is a high chance for the trend to continue for few days making it a good swing trading opportunity.
Trading Strategies with Intraday Reversal Alerts:
Intraday Reversal alerts are given if the stock makes a new low and reverses by 2% from the low OR makes a new high today and drops by 2% from the high.
These alerts when coupled with other factors can be helpful in taking intraday trades or swing trading positions.
Available Symbol Lists
- CNX 100
- All F&O Stocks
Avg Messages/Day
10-20 Messages/ Day
Useful for
- Intraday Traders & Scalpers
- Options Traders